Sacia is not new to Dragonfly, Fast Fit or Yoga. She is excited to be on the instructor end of the Dragonfly Family. She will be teaching most Sundays in May 2pm-3pm.(Sign up on Mindbody at least 2 hours in advance).

Sacia completed her 230 hour Yoga Certification in August of 2019, but her learning did not stop there. She continues to grow, practice and educate herself. When she isn’t sharing her love for yoga, she is spending time with her family and friends, enjoying the outdoors and being active.

“We are told when we do good for other people it brings us the most joy and that is the only way I can explain why teaching brings me so much happiness.”

*230 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate
*RYS 200 Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School
*Yoga Alliance Registered and Certified