Zumba $5:
Monday 9am
Thursday 9am and 5pm
Saturday: 8am
Sunday: 5pm
Serious Circuits $8:
Tuesday: 9am
Hip Hop Fit $5:
Sunday: 6:05-6:35pm
Booty Camp $8: (starting June 10)
Friday: 12:15-12:45pm
Emily Balow is a mom of 6 , who after 8 years of foster care and in home daycare discovered her love for fitness in her spare time. Stumbling upon Dragonfly was unplanned but not regretted and the best career decision she has ever made. Emily is fun and motivating. Join one of her low pressure, anything goes classes, you won’t regret it.
Zumba is a Latin based, shake your booty aerobic workout, that everyone must try ! This is the most fun you will ever have getting in shape no matter what your level of dance is. Shake your way to better health, more energy and a smaller dress size.
Circuits and Booty Camp are higher intensity classes that you can ease into. You will be introduced to weights, cardio, plyometrics and calisthenics. Don’t be intimidated! You’ll love the results
Hip Hop Fit is Emily’s creation of today’s hits with choreographed toning songs. Less dancing, more toning!
Certified ISSA Fitness Trainer
Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA)
Certified Zumba Instructor Basic 1 and 2
Certified Insanity Instructor